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hammer软件中用哪个模型来模拟竖井呀?How to simulate the model of two shafts in a deep system should be simulated( by surge tank or reservoir or water tank?) in hammer.

我在用bentley hammer软件模拟我们单位在深圳做的一个泵站项目,这个项目是一个深埋隧洞输水泵站,特点和常规的泵站不一样,从水库取水,经过两个很深的竖井和深埋隧洞才把水送到取水泵站(主要是避开很多深埋的地铁线)。我在建模时就遇到个问题,就是这两个竖井(见下图中两个深90m的深井)到底选什么样的类型。如果说选“调压井”的话,进、出水管口的高程完全不一样;如果选“水库”的话,又无法输入这个竖井的直径;如果选“水箱”,好像也无法区分进水口和出水口的高程差别很大这一情况,所以想请教一下建模时用哪种比较准确??

I am using Bentley Hammer software to simulate a pumping station project that our unit is doing in Shenzhen. This project is a deep-buried tunnel pumping station, that is different from conventional pumping stations, it takes two deep shafts and a deep tunnel to get the water to the pumping station (mostly to avoid many deep subway lines) . One of the problems I had with modeling was the type of shaft (see the two 90m deep shafts in the image below) . If we choose "surge tank" , the height of the inlet and outlet pipe is completely different; if we choose "reservoir" , we can not input the diameter of the shaft; if we choose "water tank" , ? It seems that there is no way to tell the difference between the height of the water inlet and the water outlet, so I would like to ask which is more accurate in modeling?

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