MicroStation 2023 中的地膜工具 (CivilTools)


知道如何通过使用MicroStation 2023的工具获得与老版本的 CivTools一样的结果吗?

以下是可用于实现相同结果的CIvTools功能及其相应MicroStation 2023功能的列表:

  1. 放置等高线 Place Contour- Used to place 3D line-strings or curve-strings that represent contours. Turn on the Planar option to place contours. If the Planar option is off, you can key in different elevations for each data point to allow breaklines to be easily defined.使用line-strings或者curve-strings放置表示等高线。打开“平面”选项以放置轮廓。如果“平面”选项处于禁用状态,则可以为每个数据点键入不同的高程,以便容易的定义特征线(Breaklines)。
  1. 标识等高线Label Contour- This allows you to label contours individually or in groups. You can label groups by striking a line across all the elements to be labelled. Only contours on major or minor contour levels (as defined in the CivTools parameters) are processed. 这允许您单独或成组标记等高线。您可以按组的方式通过在所有要标记的图元上划一条线来标记。仅处理主要或次要等高线级别上的轮廓(如CivTools参数中所定义)。
  1. 放置特征线 Place Breakline- Provides the ability to place breaklines as lines or curves at a specific elevation and optionally increment or decrement the elevation of successive vertices.
  1. 放置坐标系 Place Coordinate- This allows you to place a coordinate marker with the respective Northing and Easting coordinates (and optionally the elevation) of an identified point. You can choose the output prefixes and suffixes as well as the order of the NE or EN coordinate output (the latter is in the Coordinates tab of the Civil Tool Properties dialogue).
    这使您可以放置坐标标记,其中包含已识别点的相应北向和东向坐标(以及可选的高程)。可以选择输出前缀和后缀以及NE或EN坐标输出的顺序(后者位于Civil Tool Properties对话框的Coordinates选项卡中)。
  1. 修改等高线Modify Contour- This allows you to modify contour vertices without modifying the vertices' elevation. 这允许您在不修改顶点高程的情况下修改等高线顶点。
  1. 通过交叉设置海拔高度Set Elevation by Crossing- Modify the elevations of sequential contours (identified by a crossing line) to a user-specified absolute or delta interval. 将连续等高线(由交叉线标识)的高程修改为用户指定的绝对或增量间隔。
  1. 设置单元海拔 Set Element Elevation- This enables you to set the Z value for all vertices of a line-string, curve-string, or complex string to a specified value. 这使您可以将line-string, curve-string, 或 complex string 的Z值设置为指定值。
  1. 放置点的海拔Place Spot Elevation- This enables you to place text and an optional marker to marker elevation. The elevation can either be keyed-in or taken from the datapoint elevation.  这使您可以将文字和可选标记放置到标记高程。高程可以键入,也可以取自数据点高程。
  1. 放置复合曲线Place Composite Curve- Provides the ability to place "curves" using straight lines and arcs. 提供使用直线和圆弧放置“曲线”的功能。
  1. Civtools 设置- Allows you to set the level, symbology, and size of all the elements placed using the Civil/Site tools. 使用户可以设置Civil/Site工具放置的所有图元的标高、符号和大小。

Additionally, we have prepared for you the ribbon “Terrain Tools”, which you can download as DGNLIB (TerrainTools_Ribbon.dgnliDGNLIB below) and save in the location specified by the variable “MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST” (File → Settings → Configuration Variables).

此外,我们还为您准备了“Terrain Tools”工具条,您可以将其下载为DGNLIB(下面的TerrainTools_ribbon.dnliDGNLIB)并保存在变量“MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST”指定的位置(文件→ 设置→ 配置变量)


In the Modelling Workflow, the tab “Terrain Tools” will be available for use after restarting MicroStation; you can use this DGNLIB to customize the Ribbon as per your requirement.
