How do I activate a license for ALL Windows users of a computer instead of just the current user?

Apparently my license can only be activated for the current Windows user only i.e. the administrator’s account. There seems to be no options to change the settings from “current user only” to “all users”. Is there any specific workaround for this? 


Parents Reply
  • The "Elevate to All Users" button only moves the server name, site activation key, and any proxy settings (i.e. the SELECTserver settings) to the All Users profile for propagation to any user profiles that do not have their own settings. Activation statuses are still stored in the individual user profiles. Consequently, each user activates products using either their own copy of the SELECTserver settings or the elevated settings otherwise. To force users to utilize the elevated settings to ensure proper activation, consider running the following batch file to clear any SELECTserver settings stored in the individual user profiles.

  • Jeremy Thanks for the update , still there are some unknows

    Will you be please available for the short call on Monday I.e 08/24/20, i am posting my email ID please revert back to it

    Thank you in advance

  • Please call the Bentley support line at your convenience, and choose option 3 for licensing support. You may ask for Jeremy, but one of my teammates may be able to address your queries as well.

    If you have further questions suitable for public consumption, feel free to ask them hear for the benefit of everyone.

  • Thanks for the update 

    1) I can not see any license key stored in local user registry other than HKLM, but still for some users who logs into the system getting the license activation pop up

    2)   "Elevate to all users "  stores license information in which path ? can all users who ever logs into the system can access the license with out Activation pop up ?

    3) License configured on client via select server is Client specific ? or user specific ?

    4) If its user specific , will the license is charged for all of the users who ever logs in and assuming license actiovates automatically if we set "ELEVATE TO ALL USERS "


    Govardhan chindam

  • HI Jeremy,

    Can you please help me with the registry keys if  license activation "Elevate to all users " can be fixed using the registry keys.

    I have activated the license on the Virtual desktop using the "elevate to all users " optiosn and its working fine on it and would like to implement the same on other machines using the registry file .

    Can you please help me on this 

    1. Any SELECTserver license settings stored in the current user profile reside at HKCU\Software\Bentley\Licensing\1.1. The following batch file can be used to clear license settings from all user profiles on the machine, leaving only the All Users profile.
    2. SELECTserver settings are stored in the All Users profile at HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Bentley\Licensing\1.1. All users typically have read access to this location, permitting them to activate products, assuming the site activation key contains current licenses.
    3. The activation statuses for products are user-specific, not client-specific. Consequently, activation statuses are always stored in the current user profile, whereas license settings can be inherited from the All Users profile.
    4. No, the elevation process will only update the settings stored in the All Users profile which are inherited if a user profile does not have license settings of its own. To resolve this issue, use the batch file mentioned in my first point above.