Bentley Licensing SCAM - beware

So, It appears to me that Bentley has changed it's licensing system from helpful to a scam. 

About 3 months ago I was contacted by an "account representative" that told me that I had several occasions where I was over the number of licenses that I had purchased, which wasn't possible....since I am a 5 person firm with only THREE users, and have THREE licenses of Microstation, I was told by this "Account representative" that I needed to sign up for a different licensing agreement or I would be assigned the more expensive one without it being my choice. So I did...I agreed to "Select open access"...this was suppose to be the best solution to me according to this account rep.

This week I got a "WARNING" that I would be recieving a punitive invoice for OVER USE of my agreed license unless I purchased another copy of microstation, and was sent a spreadsheet that showed 4 days over the past 3 months that there were 4 uses of Microstation.....the impending invoice is $5000. 

The best part is that the FORTH license is being reported from a computer that is only used by a remote person to remote desktop into to connect to our server, not a forth employee.

I have asked this "Account representative" to give me his supervisors information and so far he has refused.

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  • according to the account rep....that has changed. I have a spreadsheet that shows it....AND...we don't have but THREE users here, it's almost got to be a glitch in the server licensing that is reporting that, we don't have 4 people that would be on Microstation at one time, and to be getting PUNITIVE invoices is totally different than what they have always been. I will continue to report what they do to address this.

    I'm not a novice user that doesn't understand the system either...