Usage Log Processing - ERROR with status code 15014


 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Installation / Configuration
 Subarea: SQL Management
 Original Author:James White, Bentley Technical Support Group


Usage Log Processing - ERROR with status code -15014 - service start
time: 1/11/2013 12:00:11 AM - The UPDATE statement conflicted with the
CHECK constraint "CK_ss_ConcurrentUtilization_TotalHoursCheck". The
conflict occurred in database "DOT_SELECTSERVER", table
"dbo.ss_ConcurrentUtilization". The statement has been terminated.

This is an automated message from SELECTserver. Do not reply to this
message. If you do not wish to recieve this message, use the SELECTserver administration site to remove yourself from the notifications list.


No current workaround:

Development checked out the database. Here is what I
have on the error statement.

The displayed statement is reflecting an internal
integrity check. The records are updated and repaired as needed. Noting
that a database is a constantly growing and evolving entity this is not
an unusual process. It is not necessary for the end user to take any