The response file corresponding to the following logs is not processed.

 Applies To 
 Environment: Window Server 2008 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows Server 2008 R2
 Area: Administration / Usage Logs
 Subarea: Administration
 Original Author:James White, Bentley Technical Support Group











The error will appear in this format:

SELECTServer’s usage logs have not been transmitted in the timeframe required. All client applications license request will fail until the usage logs have been transmitted. There are 0 log entries to be sent. Logs were last transmitted on

The Response File corresponding to the following logs is not processed. Please Process it. If you do not have the response file, download the corresponding logs and then send them to Bentley to get the response file


The real error here that must be addressed is


This solution is specific to the 09.00.XX.XX versions.

The number of log entries can vary along with the date and time. When the log entries are at "0" as in this example it gets confused with the "0 Logs To Send" error. That error is only relevant in the 8.11.XX.XX versions. This solution is not applicable to the 08.11.XX.XX SELECTservers or prior. A link to the 08.11.XX.XX Zero (0) Logs to send error is at the bottom of this post.

The one time only resolution is below

Here is a "one time only" solution that will correct this for the user. It’s a problem with the older SELECTservers that did not update the flag that the Usage files have been processed..

1) Physically go to the server where SELECTServer is installed or remote into the server. The point is you need to be where the application is running.

2) Save the zip file

and unzip the contents to a local temp directory on the server. For our example we'll place it in the c:\Temp directory

3) From a command prompt change directory

4) From the C:\Temp prompt run the command ssxminfo -i sstr344970.txt

5) The expected results should be  SQL Command file - complete


Transmit Usage Logs - 0 Logs Found To Process (for versions 08.11.XX.XX)

If your SELECTserver version is one prior to the 08.11.07.XX releases I strongly recommend that you upgrade the SELECTserver. You are more than eight versions behind the current release and you would greatly benefit from
upgrading the application.


See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

Licensing TechNotes and FAQs

External Links[

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

SELECTservices page on Bentley website

TechNotes and FAQ archive

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