Uninstall Bentley Connection Client impossible?


I recently installed Bentley View v8i, so that i could view some customer files. To do this I signed up for a Bentley account as I don't have any Bentley products or subscriptions (nor do i need any).  However after installation i now have an extremely invasive pop up every time i restart my machine, asking me to sign into Bentley Connection Client. I want to uninstall this as I don't need it, yet every time i try it fails.  Reading the forums seems to suggest I should sign in, but I don't have access, and am being told to contact my administrator (which as I said above, I don't have as I don't have any software).  Can anybody help me as to how to uninstall this stuff?  I'm a bit flummoxed and a bit concerned that i cant get rid of it. I have looked through the forums but can't find anything to help me, so apologies if this has already been asked and answered - please feel free to point me to that if so.  If the answer is to just uninstall everything from Bentley, then please advise, I am coming round to the idea that would work for me.


  • I'm just going to put this out there - I still have not seen a reasonable answer as to why the connection client (and enforced login) is required for a 'free' file viewer...

  • I have uninstalled it successfully, however, it will re-install itself the next day.  I'd like to know if this is a function of the large organization that I work for or if the re-install is initiated by Bentley.  These are the files I uninstall:

    1. CONNECT Advisor V8i


    2. CONNECTION Client (Sometimes it requires a re-boot to uninstall)

    I'd love to know if others have success uninstalling and, if you're successful, if it re-installs the next day.  FYI, It used to reinstall in a 2-4 week timeframe.

    I really don't understand that this is a REQUIRED piece of software.  We are paid customers and host ALL of our drawings on ProjectWise.  We pay so much money to Bentley that we should have the ability to not use it.  This is just like a pop-up on one of those sketchy websites you shouldn't be visiting. Annoying as heck and completely useless to us.

  • Hi,

    The CONNECTION Client is becoming required as we move from activation keys to user sign-in to use Bentley products.  While it may seem like just a pop-up box at the moment, once your Organization moves to CONNECT Licensing it will be a required application.  We have been rolling out the program over the past 9 months so I would not remove it.  Once you sign in once to complete the process it will sign you in automatically and minimize from your screen if those preferences are set.



  • Glen, I'm not a proponent of CONNECT but I can understand Bentley's advantage of using it to track users/usage for billing purposes but why disrupt users needlessly when using View or other non-cost applications? It only inhibits the use of these apps without providing a reasonable advantage to Bentley. If I had to login to Adobe every time I opened a PDF I would just move onto something simpler.

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