Inactive User Cleanup Delayed - New Date Coming Soon

To keep our system operating efficiently, Bentley will be performing a cleanup of user accounts that are inactive or invalid. Accounts that have been identified as inactive or invalid. While we originally planned this cleanup for March 18, 2024, the cleanup will be occurring at a later date, not yet announced. We will provide an update with the new date as soon as possible.

This update will not impact profiles in any Bentley application (Ex: ProjectWise). This update will only remove inactive profiles from Bentley's Identity Management System (IMS). Accounts that have been identified as inactive or invalid will be permanently deleted in the Identity Management System (IMS).  

Accounts will be marked for deletion if any of these conditions are met: 

Users marked for deletion will initially be moved to an isolated organization that will contain the user for three months in a locked state. In this state, the user will continue to maintain any roles and group affiliation to make reverting the change easier, if needed. After three months, the users will be permanently deleted from Bentley’s IMS. 

We appreciate your understanding as we progress through this system cleanup. If you have any questions regarding this cleanup, please contact

How can I check and see if my users are going to be impacted by this change?

Account Admins and Co-Admins of organizations can go to User Management and use the available bulk operations to export their users data. Please note that the directory has a filter applied by default which excludes users which are pending invitation to your organization from your view of users and they would also be excluded from the report. If you'd like to have these users included in your export, please remove the filter applied by hitting the "x" on the "Invited User: False" option just below enterprise roles as shown below: 

After you've decided if you'd like to remove the filter, you can click on the green Bulk Operations button on the top right hand side of your User Management and select the Export User List (.csv) option:

After you've opened the .CSV we'll want to review two separate pieces of information. First, we'll take a look at users who have been created, but have not signed in for the past six (6) months.

To start, at the top of Microsoft Excel under the Data tab, select the Filter option. 

In Column T, you should find the LastLoginDate header. From here, select the drop down arrow in this header and check the Select All button such that all users are no longer selected. Scroll to the bottom of the options and select Blanks. This will select all users which have never signed into your User Management.

From here, you can now filter Column S, the ProfileCreationDate, using the Z to A option. This result of this sort will show your users from the newest created user down to the oldest created user that has never signed in. Using this view, you can check for any user which has a creation date later than September 18th, 2023. Any user which was created before this date and has never signed in will be marked for deletion.

In the image below, we can see a list of users which do not maintain a LastLoginDate but also have a ProfileCreationDate later than September 18th, 2023. These users would be marked for deletion. However, if either of the cases below are true, the user would not be marked for deletion.

Now we'll check for users which have logged in but not for the past two (2) years. 

We'll start by clearing the previous filters by simply clicking on the filter button once to clear the filters, then once more to add them back to the excel sheet.

With all of the users visible on the spreadsheet again, in the LastLoginDate column go down to the bottom of the view and remove the users which have never signed in by removing the selection for Blanks

Then go to the ProfileCreationDate and sort using the Z to A option again. This will sort the users by who has signed in most recently going back to your latest sign ins. Select the A to Z option if you'd like to see oldest to newest instead. From here, you can check for any users which have not signed in the past (2) years. These users will be marked for deletion unless any of the following is true: