Ch.9: Composing Sheets

MicroStation Basics for Civil Designers - Chapter 9: Composing Sheets for Civil Designers

As you move into Sheeting Composition stage, a pain that you may encounter is that laying out drawings onto sheets is a time-consuming and error‐prone process that is done differently by everyone on a team and can cause inconsistencies and delays in getting projects delivered.

Fortunately, with the new innovations found in MicroStation’s CONNECT edition’s Documentation Center, the solution is the Accelerated Sheet Creation and Layout. Here you can create multiple sheets in a single operation. The Automated layout can be based on scale, location and along path. Once generated, the Sheet layouts can be modified for fine adjustments.

This video is an overview of the video series. In this series, you will discover MicroStation’s CONNECT edition’s Documentation Center and how it can quickly generate and compose sheets.

Part 1: Place Named Boundary

At this point in the project, you are finished with the design composition of the proposed building. Whereas you move into the View Composition stage where you then compose all the desired views (sections, plan views, etc.) in the project. And then from there, the Sheet Composition stage is where you create sheets that represent your building information.

Part 2: Labeling the Plan Sheet

In most cases, plan sheets are embellished with sheet specific annotation such as but not limited to -- text, dimensions and cells, all of which is placed tied to the scale of the sheet. In this video, you will place a north arrow and bar scale. You will also apply the Display Style, Proposes Site Plan that you created earlier.

A named boundary is any closed element that has a name associated with it. Previously, we could create named fences from fences, clip volumes, and clipped masks. Named fences have been renamed as named boundaries. You can place named boundaries using drawing boundaries. Named boundaries may also be grouped for processing sets of drawings onto sheets.

Part 3: Placing a Named Boundary

In this video, you will create a Named Boundary and it will place the content of the Named Boundary onto an existing sheet model.

Part 4: Creating a Drawing Boundary

Traditionally, sheet creation and layout has been a very manual and time consuming process. To overcome this, the drawing boundary feature is provided to allow you to quickly and easily define the location of a drawing on a sheet which may contain a drawing. A sheet may be subdivided into several drawing boundaries.

Part 5: Populating Drawing Boundaries

In a previous video, within the detail sheet, you designated areas using the drawing boundary tool. A drawing boundary is a predefined area on a sheet model which may contain a drawing. As you saw, the sheet may be subdivided into several drawing boundaries. In this video, you will use the Named Boundary tool to populate these drawing boundaries with additional details.

Using Raster Manager you can attach raster images of various formats, from monochrome to full color. You can modify the location, display order, and various other settings of previously attached raster image files. When a raster attachment is modified with Raster Manager, no changes are made to the original file, just to its attachment information in the DGN file.

Part 6: Attach a Raster Image

In this video, you will perform a finishing touch to the Cover sheet by placing a raster image for the location map.

Part 7: Manipulate a Raster Image

In the previous video, you attached a raster image of a location map. In this video, you will use standard manipulation tools to adjust the size and location of the location map. Then, once this is in the positioned onto the sheet, you will clip the image.

Part 8: Sheet Index

A sheet index is a centralized and structured collection of sheets in your project. You may link any sheet model from any design file of your project into a sheet index. Now that you are through designing, you will now add the project’s sheets to their respective folders.

Parent topic: Civil Designers