Mill & Resurface, Areas with no Milling and Overlay

I need to skip an area that receives no milling or resurfacing and resume milling and resurfacing on the right side of that area.


We are running the Proposed Features typical on a roadway receiving milling and resurfacing. We are running the process using shapeless criteria. There are different depths of milling in different lanes and everything runs fine except that milling and resurfacing is shown crossing the raised median.

Is there an element we can place on the right side of a milling area that will stop the milling and resurfacing at that point and allow it to continue on the right side of the median?

Placing an edge of pavement line does not work

Placing a milling limit line with zero depth of milling ad-hoc does not work

Placing the Median Line with a median type zero ad hoc prevents the right side from drawing.

See attachment.
