Drainage Plans - GEOPAK Drainage - FDOT SS4

Has anyone had errors with drainage stub-out report lately? I'm not sure why when I click the stub-out report button it wants to install DWG TrueView 2019 now. I've not had this issue before this week. Also when running the drainage cross section tools it no longer asks for the stub-out report txt file.

I don't know if the new updates to Windows 10 may be contributing to the errors. However, I'm lost as to what would be the fix for this problem.

Screen shot of wanting to install DWG TrueView 2019?

If anyone could suggest any alternatives to have drainage structures placed in the cross sections other than using GEOPAK tools please let me know. I've tried using the Subsurface Utility by importing the GDF file, however there would need to be a lot more setup required to get this tool to work properly with cross sections. Thank You!

Screen shot of stubout report error etc.