ORD Drainage Dynamic Structure Labels Disappearing


We keep seeming to experience the following issue on several projects when labeling drainage structures in ORD. Not sure if it is something we are doing wrong in the process of labeling or a known issue. Typically our procedure is after all the structures have been given a specific feature name, we create a separate text file to host the structure labels. We use the civil labeler tool and ellipse frames as shown in the attached screenshots. The template used for the labels is FDOT Dynamic labels. Afterwards, we simply click on the structures with the civil labeler tool open and the ellipses populate with given structure name. However, we will come back to the file hours or days later and all of the ellipses show up blank as shown in the screenshot. It has been unpredictable to tell when exactly it happens, but it tends to occur randomly after closing out of the text file we create. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.