Printing Key Sheets With Filled Maps

Can you please advise me on how to update the FDOTPDF.pltcg to print the Key Sheet correctly?  Currently, the Key Sheet shows a black square where the project map is located.

  • The key to printing the filled key maps is to adjust the output of the referenced map by turning the fill of without turning the fill off for the entire sheet. This can be done in the pen table. The default pen table, FDOT.tbl, was modified in FDOT2010 MR3 to address this issue.  The pen table selects all shapes located in references that have a logical name beginning with “comap” and turns the fill attribute off. If you use the FDOT.tbl provided, simply ensure that the logical name of your map reference begins with comap. If you have your own customized pen tables I will explain below how to adjust them to address this issue.


      1.   From the MicroStation Print dialog, attach the pen table to be modified by selecting PenTable > Attach and then select your pen table.

      2.   From the MicroStation Print dialog, select PenTable > Edit

      3.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog select Edit > Insert New Section Below… from the menu


          4.   When prompted give the section a logical name and then click OK.

              5.   With the new section selected, click on the Files… button.

                  6.   On the Identify Files dialog enter comap.* in the field at the bottom of the dialog and then click Add.

                      7.   Notice that comap.* is added to the Reference Logical Names list. This will cause only the elements located in reference files that have a logical name beginning with comap to be affected by any output actions defined. Click OK to close the dialog.

                        8.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog select the Element Output Actions tab then select the Fill option and set it to Off.

                            9.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog, select File > Save from the menu then close the dialog.

                              To see the changes you will need to reattach you updated pen table.

                              If you are using the latest FDOT.tbl pen table but the maps are still printing as a black square confirm that the logical name of the reference file starts with comap.


                            • The key to printing the filled key maps is to adjust the output of the referenced map by turning the fill of without turning the fill off for the entire sheet. This can be done in the pen table. The default pen table, FDOT.tbl, was modified in FDOT2010 MR3 to address this issue.  The pen table selects all shapes located in references that have a logical name beginning with “comap” and turns the fill attribute off. If you use the FDOT.tbl provided, simply ensure that the logical name of your map reference begins with comap. If you have your own customized pen tables I will explain below how to adjust them to address this issue.


                                1.   From the MicroStation Print dialog, attach the pen table to be modified by selecting PenTable > Attach and then select your pen table.

                                2.   From the MicroStation Print dialog, select PenTable > Edit

                                3.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog select Edit > Insert New Section Below… from the menu


                                    4.   When prompted give the section a logical name and then click OK.

                                        5.   With the new section selected, click on the Files… button.

                                            6.   On the Identify Files dialog enter comap.* in the field at the bottom of the dialog and then click Add.

                                                7.   Notice that comap.* is added to the Reference Logical Names list. This will cause only the elements located in reference files that have a logical name beginning with comap to be affected by any output actions defined. Click OK to close the dialog.

                                                  8.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog select the Element Output Actions tab then select the Fill option and set it to Off.

                                                      9.   On the Modify Pen Table dialog, select File > Save from the menu then close the dialog.

                                                        To see the changes you will need to reattach you updated pen table.

                                                        If you are using the latest FDOT.tbl pen table but the maps are still printing as a black square confirm that the logical name of the reference file starts with comap.


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