FDOT SS4 Create Project

Is there a download link for the FDOT SS4 Create Project Application? For some reason on our server we only have the Create File application and not the Create Project.

  • There were some issues with the Create Project Application in SS4 and therefore not delivered with the FDOTSS4 software package. They are working on it.

    In the mean time, use MicroStation to create your project directory. Using the FDOT icon open MicroStation. On the Open dialog, select the Projects drop down in the lower right corner and select New... On the dialog that pops up, type in the project number and click OK. Your project will be created in the FDOTSS4 projects directory as defined by the FDOTSS4_projects environment variable. If you have any issues, just give one of us a call.

  • There were some issues with the Create Project Application in SS4 and therefore not delivered with the FDOTSS4 software package. They are working on it.

    In the mean time, use MicroStation to create your project directory. Using the FDOT icon open MicroStation. On the Open dialog, select the Projects drop down in the lower right corner and select New... On the dialog that pops up, type in the project number and click OK. Your project will be created in the FDOTSS4 projects directory as defined by the FDOTSS4_projects environment variable. If you have any issues, just give one of us a call.

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