Assigning Custom Configurations

EDI can assign custom plotter configurations to individual design files.  EDI copies several default plotter settings files to the data folder of a project, including EDICFG.pltcfg, EDI.tbl, and several others.  These files are the basic settings required to create standard project output for a FDOT Project.

When it is necessary to affect changes to the ouput by way of a custom plotter configuration or pen table, EDI assigns custom settings files to individual or groups of design files.

From the EDI Project Viewer Window:

  1. In the Sheet Files (Sheet Information) tree view, find the discipline folder or file for assignment.
  2. Right-click the folder or file, and select Plot Configuration...
  3. The Plot Configuration Settings dialog will display including detailed instructions.
  4. The 1st step copies the basic configuration files from the data folder to the current discipline folder.

You may Cancel at this point and modify the configuration files as needed.  When custom changes are complete, restart the Plot Configuration Settings dialog and continue to assign the configuration files.

  1. In the 2nd and 3rd steps select the custom plotter configuration and pen table files.
  2. The 4th step selects the design files for the assignment.
  3. The 5th step applys the selection and then finally the 6th step dismisses the dailog.


The EDI application assigns the project plotter configuration settings files automatically.  The settings files are located in the project's data folder.  The Plotter Configurations Settings dialog overrides the project defaults to assign specific custom settings to individual design files.