Grayscale Adjustment

EDI can assign custom plotter configurations to individual design files as explained in the Assigning Custom Configurations article.  Once a plotter configuration is assigned, use the MicroStation Print Dialog to Edit the configuration or notepad, if you are familiar with XML code.

Locate the ColorMap PrintColor (20th entry) and modify as needed.  The XML elements are <RasterParametersContrast> and <RasterParametersBrightness>.

You can use the MicroStation Print Dialog to Edit the ColorMap section containing the PrintColor for pen 20 as found in the EDI default plotter configuration file.  The EDI.tbl pen table defines color 20 as the criteria for half-toning (grayscale) elements on level 20. 

Pen settings include red, green, blue and alpha components; therefore, "150,150,150,0" specifies a medium gray output.  Increase the values (ranging from 0 to 255) to obtain a lighter gray and decrease the values to obtain a darker gray.  Use the same value for red, green and blue.

No other configuration variables require attention or should be changed for EDI to create the appropriate image output.


Assign custom [[wiki:Assigning Custom Configurations|plot configuration settings]] in EDI and modify the plotter configuration colormap printcolor for pen 20, to adjust grayscale for elements on level 20.