ORD Drainage and Utilities - Existing Structure Minimum Depth

The existing drainage cells (MH, Catch Basins, Inlets, etc.) all have a minimum depth defined with the cell.  Oftentimes the existing drainage system being modeled was built out of ODOT spec, with depths on the storm much less than then minimum depths. Is there are way to override the minimum depth define in the cell for a structure placement in an ORD drainage model?  I don't want to dig into the cell library just to have it purged with the next update. 



  • it is based on how the actual 3d cell is drawn. there is no override. the only way to make it shallower is to modify the 3d cells to be shorter. so the 3d bottom cell just needs to be make smaller.

    we have been getting a couple request now when dealing with existing drainage. we have lowered some but there are a lot of them.

    are there any types in particular that you need lowered.

  • it is based on how the actual 3d cell is drawn. there is no override. the only way to make it shallower is to modify the 3d cells to be shorter. so the 3d bottom cell just needs to be make smaller.

    we have been getting a couple request now when dealing with existing drainage. we have lowered some but there are a lot of them.

    are there any types in particular that you need lowered.

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