• A funny thing happened on the way to the blog

    One of the applications mentioned in Okay, now what? is a blog. But just what is a blog? A blog (or Web log) is a simple but powerful publishing tool which enables you to easily share thoughts and opinions by providing commentary or news on a particular subject that no one else but you can change. Blogs tend to be temporal in nature -- similar to articles in a newspaper. A typical blog combines text, images, and sometimes…

  • Okay, now what?

    To those who are new to Bentley or to Bentley Communities, "Okay, now what?" is sometimes the first question asked. Granted, Communities can be an imposing site (pun intended...), but it is pretty easy to get information you are looking for or answers to questions you have. The most important things to do are:

    1. know what you are looking for
    2. sign in to Communities (you may first have to join the site if you are…