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Login email change

da quando mi ritiro mi piacerebbe rimanere in contatto con la community di bentley, 
quindi vorrei modificare l'email di accesso in ""
  • Hello Massimo,

    I have changed your email address as requested. Please confirm that you are still able to sign in and use Bentley Communities without a problem.

    In italiano:

    Ho cambiato il tuo indirizzo e-mail come richiesto. Conferma di essere ancora in grado di accedere e utilizzare Bentley Communities senza problemi.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

  • Hi Jesse I saw that your email has successfully arrived at the new address. but I can't access the community. Rightly so? can I see without logging in? Thank you

    Massimo Callegher
Reply Children
  • Massimo, in the far upper-right corner (when signed in), you will see a button to view your private message. There may be a red "1" next to it. This is where you can view the message I sent you.

    I had changed your Communities profile email address to the personal email address, but the other parts of your Bentley account still use the old email address, which *may* cause a problem. However if you can sign in (with your work email address) and view and post content on Bentley communities (and get emails on your personal address), then you should be all set. 

    If you need to be able to sign in with your personal email address as well, please create a new Bentley account with your personal email address here: Then, let me know and I will connect your existing Bentley Communities account with the Bentley account that also has the same, personal email address.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

  • Hello at the top right I have no new private messages I read message in the new address, if I try to create a new account it tells me it is already now I try to delete my account from the necessary addresses of the company, maybe we will resend tomorrow here is night now thank you so much

    Massimo Callegher
  • Hi Massimo, sorry for the confusion. It appears that you have your personal email address listed as the "alternate email" in your work email account. Please try edit your work email profile here:   and remove the "alternate/personal email address", save, sign out (you may need to fully close all browser sessions) then try again to create a new account with your personal email address here:  Let me know if this is successful.

    If it still does not let you create a new account with your personal email address, I will escalate to our User Management team and work with them to get a separate, complete account created for your personal email address, then connect your existing Communities account with it. That way you can sign in with your personal email address, get Communities email alerts sent to it, yet keep all your Communities contributions and settings made with your work account.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

    Answer Verified By: Massimo Callegher 

  • Hi Jesse
    you don't have to apologize, I'm the one who makes you waste time and who doesn't speak English, I find it hard to explain. Following your instructions are
    I managed to register my personal email now I am waiting for the email to confirm. it hasn't arrived yet .. I'll wait and then I'll let you know

    thanks again for spending your time on me

    Massimo Callegher