Forum log in android

I am unable to log into a forum using chrome on an android device.  I had always been able to do this before the dec 2022 update but now I get "user name or password not correct" error messages.  I can log in on a windows laptop and if I access my profile settings I see the user name is a series of jibberish lettters and numbers (something like XFT56-TH45-CLKJ8TH-AE9TFD0 ) this is not the actual number but just a sample that shows you sort of  what it looks like.  I can not edit my user name in my settings profile so I assume that this is a result of user data being corrupted by the december 2022 update.  I can change my password in windows but this still generates the same can't log in message when I try to log in in android

  • Hello,

    At first glance, I do not see any obvious problems with the account that you have posted as here in this thread. Please send me a private message with the email address(s) that you are trying to sign in, and any possible variations in your work email address for example from previous acquisitions. Please also copy and paste the GUID (that long string of characters you mentioned) as that could be useful.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

  • Hello,

    At first glance, I do not see any obvious problems with the account that you have posted as here in this thread. Please send me a private message with the email address(s) that you are trying to sign in, and any possible variations in your work email address for example from previous acquisitions. Please also copy and paste the GUID (that long string of characters you mentioned) as that could be useful.


    Jesse Dringoli
    Technical Support Manager, OpenFlows
    Bentley Communities Site Administrator
    Bentley Systems, Inc.

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