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Overwhelming Community - losing overview

Who can share "how-to"? I didn't find ways so far.

I certainly welcome some of the community software enhancements like better notification, RSS and the new "verified answer" function, superb search results(!). However, with every release the structure, navigation and GUI changed a lot, causing effort to re-learn even simple tasks. There's one big reason my activity here reduced a lot in the past months: Lost overview.

That's my main difficulty here. And maybe someone can give me hints.

For example I'm interested in MicroStation (product community), AskInga's (group), Administrative Topics like license server, and community help/feedback topics (some of this might be user community). Since most activity happens in forum posts (and at second glance in Wiki, Blogs), I'd like to quickly keep up with new threads and threads with new posts. But navigating to these different places is a myriad of mouseclicks. The shortest seem to be Community bookmarks, but: some mouseclicks to open a group or forum via bookmarks, then subforum, then leaving "activity" with its hundereds of single unrelated posts or "my activity" by a mouseclick "forum" to finally see the desired thread overview sorted by date. RSS doesn't help as well, big number of single posts spanning different threads - opposite of overview.


I'm also missing the overview of threads I posted in, consolidated in ONE list no matter which forum topic it was (former "my discussions").

Who can help me? Or do I have to group the desired forum thread pages in Browser Bookmarks?

I dream of a conventional "what's new since last visit" page - listing the threads titles, with a link to each threads' last unread post. Like in most vBulletin forums. I'm used to this AND: I see no better way to keep overview. Maybe add comfort to restrict this to topics of interest, cause there's so many product topics here. Maybe also including new content in wikis of interest and blogs of interest. A dashboard easy to set up to my needs.

So, any hints for

  • "my discussions"?
  • what's new in threads?
  • collecting Threads/wikis/groups/blogs of interest at one place, reducing navigation mouseclicks?



  • Unknown said:

    any hints for

    • "my discussions"?
    • collecting Threads/wikis/groups/blogs of interest at one place, reducing navigation mouseclicks?

    We just made a slight configuration change that added two tabs to everyone's profile page. One provides a listing of your activity

    and the other provides a listing of all your bookmarks (defaulting to "Everything", but also giving you the ability to segment those)

    You can get to that by clicking on your name in upper righ-hand corner of any page

    Is that something that provides what you are looking for?


  • This was a fast change. Wow.

    Overall: slight improvement.

    The bookmarks tab could be my start page (I'll try that confirmed: possible to directly jump there from my browser favorites), then all in one list - saving some mouseclicks - ok

    The activity tab, well, it's still not an overview I want. Nice side-funtion to see only all my posts - why not.

    Thanks for that, half a step, 10 more to go ;)


  • The Activity tab goes some way but just needs to list the thread titles and not the text from the posts. That way you could get more listings and would load quicker.

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