How To Network BEFORE a LEARNing Conference

Are you registered to attend a LEARNing Conference this year? If you are in for a treat! If you're's why you should join in.

Your Social Enthusiasts are helping you navigate networking before, during, and after the conferences.  And it's as easy as wearing matching socks! Ok. Maybe it's not easy for everyone (I can speak for myself on trying to find matching socks *cough*).

That's why we created a private online group in Bentley Communities just for LEARNing Conference attendees.  We know that sometimes it's can be difficult to network at big conferences. Either there's too many people. Or you struggle to find something in common with someone. Or you're just not finding that one person who's also interested in speaking about Item Sets - or something else very specific.

Once you register for the conference, you will be invited to participate in this online community where you can start conversations with other attendees and Bentley experts BEFORE you even set foot in an airplane or a car seat to get to the conference.

Watch the video above for details on what you can find in this special-invitation community.

And if you're not registered any of the 2015 Bentley LEARNing Conferences, go check out the schedule RIGHT NOW and sign up to reap the benefits of ultimate online and in-person connections.

Don't forget to follow @BentleyLEARN on Twitter #Bentley15 and join the conversation!

Your Social Enthusiasts,

Danielle Chmelewski

Frank Conforti