What is a blended learning class?

As we publish new learning paths, you will see a new option for learning. Once upon a time, there was only one way to learn--live training. You sat in a classroom, face to face, with a live instructor. Years ago, the virtual classroom, an online environment became an alternative to the face to face classroom. On-demand learning, with it's always-on self-directed video lectures and practice workbooks have also become commonplace. Now, a new way to learn has emerged. We call this a blended learning class and have been delivering these classes for about a year now. It is blended because it combines the video lectures of on-demand with hands-on practice with an instructor in the virtual classroom. Rather than spend time in class listening to a live lecture, learners watch the recorded lectures before meeting in class. Time in class is spent working through practice workbooks with the instructor ready to answer questions and facilitate collaborative learning.

The advantage of this kind of class is that you get to decide when, where and on what device you want to watch the lecture while preserving access to a live instructor. Because the lecture is on-demand and always on

You can watch when you want, around your billable and personal schedule

  • During work hours
  • Before work starts and over lunch
  • At night after the kids go to bed

You can watch where you want

  • In the office
  • At home
  • At a coffee house

You can watch on the device you want

  • On your desktop or laptop
  • On your Apple device
  • On your Android device

For example to watch 2 hours of lecture, you might choose to watch from 9 - 11 AM in your office on your desktop. Or from 7 - 8 AM before work and then 12 - 1 PM over lunch on your iPad. Or from 9-11 PM after the kids go to bed on your Android.

We hope you will take advantage of this new learning option.