• [CE UPDATE 12 C++] DEVEV command unknown

    Just installed VS2017 Pro and CE Update 12 SDK , BuildAllExamples worked fine (couple of missing includes in 2 examples) but otherwise OK, however key in DEVENV and says its an unknown command? Any ideas...
  • C# .NET MS Update 15 - How do you use an Item Type library that is in an attached dgn library when the definition is not in the active file?

    Hello All Using C# .NET with MicroStation Update 15 I can control Item Type Libraries if they are in the active file, but how do you copy the definition through if the definition is in an attached DGN Library into the active file. Can't see an obvious…
  • C# .NET MS Update 15 How to change and Item Type Property that has a pick list associated with it?

    Hello All I have an Item Type attached to an element in a model One of the Properties in the Item Type is a string that has a pick list to choose the value with. With C#.Net how do I programmatically change the value of the property attached to…
  • C# .NET MSCE 13 Intersection points between 2 known elements

    Trying to find a .NET method to get the physical intersection points between a linear element and another element (linear or shape) in 2D (3 different examples shown above) I can do it with the Interop with element . GetIntersectionPointsOnIntersector…
  • C# .Net MSTN U16 - Reference File Treat as Element property

    Using MicroStation CONNECT U16 C# .NET trying to check and set the reference file property "Treat As Element" tick option. I can see DgnAttachment has Locate, Snap properties but cannot see the "Treat As Element" Is this Treat as Element option…
  • C# MSCE Update 13 Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnPrimitiveTool

    Hi All Using C# in MicroStation CONNECT Update13 Just a quick question: The . DgnPrimitiveTool does not appear to be part of the DgnPlatformNet.dll reference. It works when I reference Bentley.DgnDisplayNet.dll Is this the correct .dll to be…
  • Getting Started with MicroStation SDK and Visual Studio 2017

    Ok So I have installed MicroStation CE Update 13 I have Visual Studio 2017 Pro with relevant add-ins. I have installed the MicroStation CE Updated 13 SDK. And then I get stuck....on getting up and running The only included documentation in the…