Modes in Project Explorer

                In this blog you will be familiarizing yourself with the different modes of linksets in Project Explorer and concepts related to Harvesting.
                The modes in PE actually refer to the source of linksets, the DGN files from where you actually read the linksets. These are the linksets that you can see in the Manage Linksets dialog. You have three options to select the source:


1.  Active File:
- If you select this option, you are actually reading all the linksets/project trees in the active file.

2. Selected File:
- This allows you to select the file from which you would be reading the linksets.

3. Configured Libraries:
-This actually reads all the links from the DGNLIB files listed in MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable.

                You can switch between these modes using the drop-down combo-Box in the PE dialog.
"Active File" mode listens to file change event. That means if you are in this mode and switch to a new file, the PE refreshes itself and shows the linksets from the switched file. The other two modes do not listen to file change event because configuration library and selected file don't change unless you change them. They don't respond and remain as it is.
                If you create a new linkset or links in selected file mode, it actually modifies the linksets and writes the changes to that selected file. Ustation.dgnlib contains some of our delivered linksets. You have three linksets in this file: default, help links and blah. "Default" linkset primarily helps us in harvesting different types of resources. Once you have all the resources ready, you can use them for navigation, sheet composition etc. "Help Links" contains links which takes us to a corresponding section in the MicroStation help file.

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