Deliver insight by putting things in plain sight

One can assume I think fairly that if one invests in new tools, new equipment, new workflows, that one ought to receive in return some tangible value for having done so, something substantially more than just "my drawings are (somewhat) better coordinated."


It occurred to me after 10 years of driving documents from models myself that something’s not right, that it’s not enough.


Fact: In a project’s documents, we say the things that we need to say about a project.


(or, repeating) We say what we want to say, in a project’s documents.


3D models drive some of the graphics in those documents, but the documents themselves remain constrained by the same limitations that have always constrained the communicative effectiveness of documents.. while models are left saying nothing and therefore remain practically undeliverable in their speechless ambiguity.


The world can no longer tolerate half-measures addressing communicative effectiveness.


Hypermodeling infuses the project’s documentation into the 3D model, automatically.


People want this because it helps them see and understand what they are doing better than before.  The fusion of document graphics into 3D makes a new communication medium, richer and more useful than either documents or models alone.


This is new media, analogous to the medium of modern cinema after the synchronized infusion of recorded audio into moving picture (which elevated both audio and moving picture).  Prior to that it was not necessarily commonly understood that the forthcoming medium of cinema offered boundless rich communicative potential. 


In the right hands, Hypermodeling offers the same potential.


Where it will go and how creatively it will be used remains to be discovered.


In any case, cinema is certainly better with synchronized sound present clarifying the moving picture; and 3D Models are certainly better with the clarifying remarks and graphics of the project’s own documentation present in-situ on demand, automatically.


Now the model “speaks.”


What does it say?


Exactly what you said in your project’s documentation.


The model is clarified, disambiguated, by the project’s own documentation, while the documentation is likewise easier and better understood than before because now it is contextualized in the very model that gives it meaning.


This is just the beginning. We see this opening doors to multitudes of new ideas that contextualize disparate information to put things in plain sight, so that design and construction professionals can see and understand better (you understand what you can see); communicate better, informed by insight.


We enthusiastically look forward to working with you to realize these ideas and bring forward yet others.


Please contact if you are a Bentley customer and would like to participate in early adopter testing, or if you are not a Bentley customer please contact me for further information.