Your MESSAGE! (Peter Sellers)

Students don't care, anymore, really, about modeling (with or without "properties") or drafting tools. They are all (nearly) commodities.

Students care (as they should) about "representation". The same is true for professionals.

In the world today, representation media, both drawing documents, and models, are deficient, not adequately fulfilling their intended purpose (communication).

This is what motivated me, as a long time information modeler myself, to invent hypermodeling, which is available now in beta (contact me at and will be commercially released very soon.

This addresses the fact that the purpose of drawings and models is to communicate, in ways that are thoroughly understood.

For comparison, consider watching a movie (three times). This one is a great example:

  1. play the movie but cover up the picture so you can hear only the sound
  2. play the movie, watch the picture, but turn off the sound.
  3. play the movie with the sound and picture together as is usual.

Both sound and picture are essential.

..I go back to the analogy of movies / cinema. To tell a story, you use picture and sound, You don't have to say everything with picture. You can fill in some of the gaps with sound. Sometimes, in fact, sound is the only thing suitable, and tells more than anything else could. The point is that you use both together in the same space.

The natural viewing method is the fusion of sound and picture together, as it is with all things.

Very soon we will look at (and think of) drawing documents and models in exactly this same way.

Please have a look at the links to my hypermodeling blog and demo videos.

Everything before this is just silent film, models that are speechless and totally ambiguous, and drawing documents that are isolated, abstract, and a constant source of misinterpretation.

Sound into picture = movie

Documents into model = hypermodel

Sound and documents are essential, but are much more effective in context. The reverse is true too. Picture without sound and model without docs, both are totally ambiguous and nearly useless.

The purpose (always) is to communicate, in ways that are easy to understand thoroughly. In the analogy, the purpose is the same (to communicate, to tell a story).

Communication always has these three parts:

  • device (like hardware and software)
  • media (the medium of communication; like morse code, musical tone, voice tone, moving picture, cinema, picture, drawings, models...)
  • message (message is always king)


It is the message that matters most, not the device or the medium. The device and the medium simply support delivery of the message.

Changes in (evolution of) devices are constant and frequent.

Changes in media happen less often. When they do change it is always to support more effective, richer communication, and often by the fusion of prior existing media.

In the design and construction industries the dominant media are drawings and models. The automatic and comprehensive fusion of the drawing media INTO the 3D media improves both of the prior media while creating a new third medium: hypermodel; just as when recorded audio was infused 100 years ago into silent film to make modern cinema.

  • This sounds like a innovative way to share information. The biggest issue always faced by the people using the tools is the time it takes to incorporate the necessary information. If this helps express a greater quantify of information with the necessary clarity and quality, it would be a huge benefit to the CAD industry.