Geopak/PowerCivil - I need a profile cell for my drainage and water-sewer profiles

Ever get into a situation where you need a profile cell on your Geopak or PowerCivil drainage-water-sewer profiles?  Perhaps so you can layout sheets?   Or maybe you need a chain and/or profile so you can make use of the plan and profile labelers?

This is actually much easier than it seems at first. 

In preferences in the profiles section turn on the checkmark for "Create cogo chains and profiles".  Then any time you create a profile you get a cogo chain, cogo profile and a profile cell, which are the pieces you need to cut sheets, plan view labeler, profile labeler and other tools where a chain, profile or profile cell are needed.

You actually get two profiles.  One for top of pipe and one for bottom of pipe.

  • Make sure you configure the GPK file in the Project Components section of preferences. 
  • Since cogo has a limit of 15 characters for all names do not exceed 13 characters for the names of your water/sewer profiles. This is because we take the water-sewer profile name and add "-T" for the top profile and "-B" for the bottom profile.
  • You will also get a bunch of points created in cogo. They will have a prefix of "WAT" or "SEW", I think. Some people get a little excited when they see these points since there could be a lot of them.