LEAP Bridge Enterprise is now called LEAP Bridge Concrete!

    LEAP Bridge Enterprise is now called LEAP Bridge Concrete!

  1. With the release of v16.00.00.24, LEAP Bridge Enterprise has been renamed LEAP Bridge Concrete.

  2.  LEAP Bridge Concrete has the same functionality as LEAP Bridge Enterprise with a few changes and enhancements:

  • GEOMATH, CONSPANA, CONBOX, and RC-PIER have been renamed to generic names as follows:

    • “Bridge Parametric Layout” under the Geometry tab

    • “Precast/Prestressed Girder” and “CIP RC/PT Girder” under SuperStructure tab, and

    • “Substructure: under SubStructure tab

  • LBC only saves one file (*.lbc) for the entire bridge project

  • CONSPLICE is now included with LEAP Bridge Concrete, free of charge, under the generic name “Spliced Girder” under Tools option.

  • LEAP Bridge Concrete can open the previous LEAP files – file formats such as *.xml, *.csl, *.cbx, *.rcp, and *.gmd.

If you have any questions or need additional information regarding the above please contact Bentley Technical Support.