Displaying Tadpoles between Any Two Strings

Hello Everyone,

A month has gone since my last post. Sorry for not posting anything recently. Anyway something technical today.

I've had a couple of people recently ask me about displaying tadpoles between two strings, which were either part of a survey or between a surveyed and a design string. You can do it, but the two strings do need to be in the same model.

You can use something called Slope Signature Strings.

Creating Slope Signature Strings can be found under Modify>Edit Strings>Add Slope Signature Strings.

Use one of your strings as the Reference Strings, and use say, SS01 for the New String Name. Then pick your two  strings as String 1 and 2. The order doesn't matter. On the options TAB spin the style increment option to 0, so you only get the long tick marks. Give a Start and end chainage if you need to. OK on this to create the Slope Signature strings.

Then its all down to a style set. Add a new feature called say Slope Signature Strings with Tadpoles. Change the colour to suit, and then the important bit, setting the linestyle. You need to use a macroline (Tadpole.mml) and stretch it between String Points, and set the Every N points to 2. For the Width definition, pick use string dimension.

Now display the Model using this style set, and you should have tadpoles between the two strings. I've attached a couple of screen grabs.


Hopefully the display will show what I've tried to acheive. If you're interested in a  copy of the style set used, please drop me an email at the usual address simon.pegg@bentley.com

I'll hopefully post in the next day or so on something new in SS1. Keep an eye out.
