Tip No.3 - EEDs decimal variables in Imperial environment.

When using EEDs (covered in the ProSteel Advanced Training) we use to have only 4 types of variables (FIELDTYPE) available.

1) Char: Character string entry. Freely input any data.

2) List: Character string. Selected from a predefined pull-down

3) Int: Integer numbers only

4) Double: Decimal number, with options for number of decimals.

This 4th option was an issue when used in imperial environment drawings, where the values entered would be automatically be considered as distances (ft-in). In order to correct this, a new variable was added in SELECTseries5.

5) DoubleValue: Decimal number, with options for number of decimals.

The difference between 4) & 5) 

In 4) it has always been that although entries can be made in decimal (i.e. "26.25"), they are automatically converted to ft-in (i.e. "2'-2¼")

In 5) entries will always stay in decimal format.