GUI proposal #1 / Structural

This is the first of a couple of blog postings I have in mind, where I want to take up things which I find a bit annoying, and which I would like to have changed in future releases.

Right now Structural Modeler uses 11 different icons for placing members based on profiles. In my opinion one icon would be enough, thus freeing a lot of space for productivity. Instead of Bentleys way of grouping members, we would very much like to use a different one, based on our own needs. The method to choose what to place in the model should instead be done in the dialogue box where you define the member, and be user defined.


  • get rid of the 11 icons for placing columns, beams and other stuff, and do a new one for placing members based on profiles
  • if necessary - create a new pull down menue in the place member dialogue box with additional filter possibilities (like part families or active level filter)