ABD SS6 - Adding a PAZ Cell to the DataGroup

This is an example of adding an existing parametric PAZ cell to a dataset, in this case the US dataset’s ramp being added to the GB dataset (which does not include this item). The method is equally applicable to other existing cells or to new parametric cells created in Parametric Cell Studio. The process for adding a Compound Cell is also very similar. I have included xml code extracts not because you have to edit the all of the xml, but just to show what is actually going on behind the scenes (although there is one step where making minor edits to values in the xml is quicker than using the UI).

Vertical Circulation – Ramps Tool

Please note that If using the Vertical Circulation > Ramps tool it invokes the command 'atfplace assembly userdefined Ramps'.

It is looking for a user defined catalog type called ‘Ramps’, so the name ‘Ramps’ must be used to name the Catalog Type for this tool to operate. This tool is hidden away with the objective of simplifying the interface as all user defined types are available through the Place User Defined Type tool. It can be opened from the Tool Boxes dialog (Crtl + T).

A ramp called Company_Ramps would be listed in the Place User Defined Type tool but not appear for the Place Ramp tool.

Adding the existing Ramp PAZ Cell

For this example I am using my usual company dataset location W:\SS6\Dataset_Company\.

1. Add the PAZ cell to the company dataset:


C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsimBuildingDesigner V8i Ss6\WorkSpace\BuildingDatasets\Dataset_US\cell\Ramp_Single_Run.paz



2. Remap the levels to match the region/company dataset:

Without remapping of levels the levels, part, family and materials do not match:

From the Utilities menu > Building Designer Utilities > Run the PAZ Part Mapping Utility.

After remapping:

3. Modify symbology if required:

e.g., If the aluminium render material is not the one required for your situation, change that in the company dataset:

4. Add the ramp to the Company DataGroup:

Before you can place the ramp it also needs to be added to the DataGroup, this can be done by copying in the required files from the US dataset. These are:

The DataGroup Definition that provides the properties that will be used by the Catalog Item:

C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsimBuildingDesigner V8i Ss6\WorkSpace\BuildingDatasets\Dataset_US\datagroupsystem\Ramps.xsd:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:simpleType name="bWorkingUnitsType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="Ramps">
<xs:element name="Dimensions">
<xs:attribute name="width" type="bWorkingUnitsType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="height" type="bWorkingUnitsType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="HorizontalLength" type="bWorkingUnitsType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="LandingLength" type="bWorkingUnitsType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="thickness" type="bWorkingUnitsType" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="HasNonSkidSurface" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

Copy to W:\SS6\Dataset_Company\datagroupsystem\Ramps.xsd

The Catalog Type Extensions definition. In the GB Dataset these exist but have been commented out. To isolate the changes within your company dataset create W:\SS6\Dataset_Company\datagroupsystem\Company_Dataset_catalogtypeexts.xml and paste the required sections as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<!-- Company DG Extensions -->
<Version major="1" minor="0"/>
<CustomCatalogType name="Ramps"/>
<CatalogTypeExtension type="Ramps">
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="ParaDef"/>
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="Ramps"/>
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="ObjectAccessibility"/>
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="ObjectIdentity"/>
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="ObjectClassification"/>
<InstanceDataDefinition defType="USER" definition="ObjectPhasing"/>

The Catalog Item, note the Imperial units and values that need to be changed to Metric are highlighted:
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsimBuildingDesigner V8i Ss6\WorkSpace\BuildingDatasets\Dataset_US\datagroupcatalogs\Ramps.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<Version major="1" minor="0"/>
<Units master="ft" sub="in"/>
<CatalogItem type="Ramps" name="Ramp | Single Run">
<Property definition="ParaDef" name="ParaDef/ParaDef/@type" value="PAZ"/>
<Property definition="ParaDef" name="ParaDef/ParaDef/@filename" value="Ramp_Single_Run"/>
<Property definition="Ramps" name="Ramps/Dimensions/@width" parametricName="RampWidth" value="2:0"/>
<Property definition="Ramps" name="Ramps/Dimensions/@height" parametricName="RampHeight" value="4:0"/>
<Property definition="Ramps" name="Ramps/Dimensions/@HorizontalLength" parametricName="RampLength" value="15:0"/>
<Property definition="Ramps" name="Ramps/Dimensions/@LandingLength" parametricName="LandingLength" value="3:0"/>
<Property definition="Ramps" name="Ramps/Dimensions/@thickness" parametricName="LandingThickness" value="0:3"/>
<Property definition="ObjectPhasing" name="ObjectPhasing/@Phasing" value="New Construction"/>

Change both 'ft' and 'in' to the correct units for your region and the imperial values to appropriate metric values.

Copy to W:\SS6\Dataset_Company\datagroupcatalogs\Ramps.xml

The Catalog Item is complemented by a set of Display Names to make property names clearer in the user interface.
In this instance the required display names already exist, for an entirely new item they would need to be created, see C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsimBuildingDesigner V8i Ss6\WorkSpace\BuildingDatasets\Dataset_GB\datagroupsystem\DisplayNames_Architectural.xml and scroll down to the <!--Ramps Display Names --> section.

A standalone company display names file would look like this and be placed in W:\SS6\Dataset_Company\datagroupsystem\ named Company_DisplayNames_Architectural.xml or similar to clearly identify it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<Version major="1" minor="0"/>
<!--Ramps Display Names -->
<DisplayName name="Ramps" displayName="Ramps"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/Dimensions/@height" displayName="Dimension | Ramp Height (Rise)"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/Dimensions/@HorizontalLength" displayName="Dimension | Ramp Length"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/Dimensions/@LandingLength" displayName="Dimension | Landing Length"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/Dimensions/@thickness" displayName="Dimension | Ramp Thickness"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/Dimensions/@width" displayName="Dimension | Ramp Width"/>
<DisplayName name="Ramps/@HasNonSkidSurface" displayName="Property | Has Non-Skid Surface"/>