CONNECT Edition - Custom Configuration - Part 2 : Standards Folders

The process in Part 1 created the functional structure of the Organization with the first WorkSpace and WorkSet and the essential configuration files needed for it to operate.

It did not create any of the resources that contain and deliver the Organization, WorkSpace or WorkSet standards. These resources need to be created or where they already exist be reviewed and copied into the appropriate locations. Then the configuration files that apply them must be reviewed and edited, adding/modifying any variables needed to include/apply the resources.

The list of resources is extensive, the most commonly customized include:

  • Cell libraries (.CEL or .DGNLIB)
  • Level libraries (.DGNLIB)
  • Text and Dimension Styles (.DGNLIB)
  • UI Customizations (.DGNLIB)
  • Render Materials and Palettes (.DGNLIB, .JPG and other image formats)
  • Printer Configurations (.PLTCFG)
  • Seed Files (.DGN)

If these resources already exist in your organization the majority of them can be carried forward from V8i applications.

UI Customizations should be reviewed, some may have been superseded by the CONNECT Edition UI. Those involving macros may need reworking. MDL macros supplied by third parties will need to be recompiled for use with CONNECT Edition. UI customization in CONNECT Edition is covered by help and wiki content such as How to Customize V8i menus in CONNECT Edition?

If/when creating new resources files from the examples WorkSpaces/WorkSets can be a good source of material to copying, rename and edit.

Configuration levels

These are covered in some detail in the help and other documentation so I'm not going into that here.

Each level of the Custom Configuration contains a set of Standards folders.


At Organization level they are created by copying the folders delivered in C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Organization to your Custom Configuration's Organization folder:

Other folders can be added if required. It is not necessary to populate all or even any of these folders (or those at WorkSpace or WorkSet level) for the applications to operate. Only the resources that the Organization needs to be different or additional to those provided by Bentley need to be added.

The delivered ...\Organization\Standards.cfg contains the minimum set of configuration variables needed to include resources added at the Organization level.


When a new WorkSpace is created it is populated with the folders specified by _USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDSUBDIRS as mentioned in Part 1.

At WorkSpace level they are:

  Multiple WorkSpaces can be created: 

This list is just an example.

In the use case where a WorkSpace is created to hold resources for a specific client, say a joint venture, there are likely to be more resources shared across all WorkSets in the WorkSpace, client specific seed files for instance. Seed file folders can be added at the WorkSpace level with statements including them added to the <WorkSpaceName>.cfg file.

These folders are included in the Configuration by the following section in "C:\Program Files\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\MicroStation\config\system\msdirs.cfg"

# Configuration variables that define lists of directories of the
# active WorkSpace.


Note the use of the _USTN_WORKSPACESTANDARDS variable to include the active WorkSpace\Standards location.

If additional folders are needed in the active WorkSpace\Standards location configuration statements will need to be added to the WorkSpace.cfg for WorkSpace specific cases or to the Organization Standards.cfg for organization wide cases.


At WorkSet level the delivered folders are:

When a new WorkSet is created it is populated with the folders specified by _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDSUBDIRS as mentioned in Part 1.

In most cases the WorkSet will contain more resources, and hence folders, than a WorkSpace. Generally variations in project standards requirements will be accommodated here. There are also project specific outputs, mostly gathered in the WorkSet's 'Out' folder.

These folders are included in the Configuration by the following section in "C:\Program Files\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\MicroStation\config\system\msdirs.cfg"

# Configuration variables that define lists of directories of the
# active WorkSet.
MS_DEF                     = $(_USTN_WORKSETDGNS)

MS_DGNLIBLIST              > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)Dgnlib/*.dgnlib
MS_DGNLIBLIST_CLASH        > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)Dgnlib/ClashDetection/*.dgnlib


MS_MACRO                   > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)macros/

MS_CELL                    < $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)cell/
MS_CELLOUT                 = $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)cell/
MS_CELLLIST                < $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)cell/*.cel

MS_SYMBRSRC                > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)symb/*.rsc

MS_MATERIAL                > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)materials/
MS_BUMP                    > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)materials/;$(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)materials\bump/
MS_IMAGE                   > $(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)materials/;$(_USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS)materials\pattern/

Note the use of the _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS variable to include the active WorkSet\Standards location.

If additional folders are needed in the active WorkSet\Standards location configuration statements will need to be added to the WorkSet.cfg.

For industry focused applications such as AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT Edition the WorkSet also contains project dataset content and specifies a large set of application dataset specific variables so an AECOsim Building Designer WorkSet.cfg is much more heavily populated than most MicroStation CONNECT Edition equivalents.

Note: For AECOsim Building Designer it is better to create WorkSets by copying a regional example WorkSet. This is for two reasons; a) the WorkSet.cfg is heavily commented and populated with optional content b) the WorkSet Dataset folders contain a number of files that cannot be created by the current WorkSet creation UI.

Standards Configuration files

Configuration files exist at each level, see Part 3 for more about these.

translated German Wiki article:
CONNECT Edition - Benutzerdefinierte Konfiguration - Teil 2 : Standardsordner