• ContextCapture Insights Early Access Program (EAP)

     Are you a ContextCapture user looking to optimize your workflows and save time?

    Join Bentley's Reality Modeling EAP for a customized experience where you can use your own reality data to test drive new and emerging technologies.

    We are seeking ContextCapture users interested in ContextCapture Insights, a reality modeling solution that automatically detects and locates objects using 3D machine-learning technology…

  • Save time and access valuable data with ContextCapture CONNECT Edition - Update 12

    Better understand and easily extract information from your 3D reality meshes with ContextCapture’s new capabilities.

    Splat Display Mode

    ContextCapture’s new Splat display mode provides faster insight into reality modeling projects. Immediately after aerotriangulation, users can take advantage of this new 3D-view to reliably perform measurements and quality assessment.

    Photo Navigation

    Quickly and efficiently…