Bentley Pointools v02.00.01.04 Release Notes

We’re proud to announce that a new version of Pointools is here.

It contains multiple bugfixes, improvements and a few new features.

Here are the release notes in full:


Bentley Pointools V8i Release Notes,

Build 2.0140519,




This release improves compatibility with ATI graphics drivers, fixes a number of bugs and adds other improvements


- script support for clash tools

- script support for camera

- script support for clipbox

- added commandline options including initial script

- added near clip plane parameter to camera animation controller


- better import of Faro fls and fws, there was an issue when selecting RGB + Intensity

- “render” right-docked menu now allows all buttons to be displayed in a 1024×768 screen

- script enhancement for file commands

- script enhancements for animation

- voxel loading process

- increased the amount of buffer space used when reading very long filenames

- POD export stability

- stack stability improved when deleting from stack


- .shp files now loading correctly. Bounding boxes were not being set when the .shp file was loaded

- position of datums in orthographic snapshots is now correct

- position of datums in orthographic snapshots can now be set using a picker tool

- added an auto open saved snapshot button

- renamed a wrongly labelled button rollover in ribbon

- new saved view when 3D model loaded caused crash

- cache folder location being stored / restored from project files

- shortcut descriptions in shortcuts window do not display in Japanese

- objects Selector window not displaying properly in Japanese

- crash on clicking on the Riegl import window

- “show all layers” resetting the current layer colour blend

- “invert visibility”, makes sure any invert visibility points are placed onto the current layer when unhidden

- partially selected points disappearing from layers when hidden

- layer editing, unhide now working correctly for partially hidden voxels (moves hidden points onto the current layer)

- refreshing the edit stack causes the items in the stack to be reordered