ContextCapture CONNECT Edition - Update 7

We are pleased to announce the release of ContextCapture CONNECT Edition – Update 7.

This update includes a more robust and parallelized aerotriangulation and faster multi-GPU support for users to generate 3D reality meshes of virtually any size or precision up to 30% faster than previously possible.

Additionally, users can now easily split large blocks before aerotriangulation with the new extract block mode based on photo positions. Users can draw a polygon on Google Earth and extract several blocks to split a large job into smaller ones that fit their hardware capacity or limitations.

And finally, an imperial unit display option in the measurements tool (unit system settings) gives users the ability to measure in “feet” as well as “meters” in the Acute3D Viewer.

Check out the ContextCapture CONNECT Edition – Update 7 tutorial videos:

How to extract a block

Measure in imperial units