Descartes: Stop dragging raster when wanting to select multiple elements

I am working on Descartes, and every time I want to select a plethora of elements on a raster, the cursor drags the image instead of making the select square. This is a first for me. Please let me know if there is a way around this or if  I should elaborate even further. Thank you.

  • The following are some options to consider.

    The setting to lock a raster image was added in the “Raster Attachment Options” dialog in MicroStation SS3.

    • In Raster Manager dialog, double click the desired raster
    • In the Element Information dialog, go to Extended tab
    • Then, find the Locked field and set it as Locked value

    In Element Selection expand it and look at the listing under Element Type. If it shows Raster Attachment then click on it in the list and it will be removed from the list and you will then be able to make changes to the vector data and it will not affect the raster images

  • The following are some options to consider.

    The setting to lock a raster image was added in the “Raster Attachment Options” dialog in MicroStation SS3.

    • In Raster Manager dialog, double click the desired raster
    • In the Element Information dialog, go to Extended tab
    • Then, find the Locked field and set it as Locked value

    In Element Selection expand it and look at the listing under Element Type. If it shows Raster Attachment then click on it in the list and it will be removed from the list and you will then be able to make changes to the vector data and it will not affect the raster images
