Facade Orthophotos in ContextCapture Editor


We are trying to produce some Facade photos from a project in CC Editor. 3D mesh has already been produced from the Context Capture.

Issues occurred when the pixel size was set below 10mm:

1. If the pixel size is approaching 8mm, the output files are in strange formats (.zip) rather than JPEG although in the setting dialog it was chosen to be JPEG. 

2. Tried a workaround method. Instead of doing JPEG directly from the mesh, images were produced in itiff64 first and a JPEG was then merged from it. Still there are some issues.

 This is the setting when the itiff64 was produced. The pixel size is 3mm.

 This is the image in itiff64 and it is attached in CCE.

It is clear to see that there are some random missing parts. The pixel size was set to be 5mm after this issue occurred. The missing part is still existing but fortunately it changed its position!

 This is the setting dialog for the second ififf64 image.

It is possible to attach both images together and then clip the blank parts so a complete image is obtained. However, it will slow down the whole process because the time taken to produce each itiff64 image is surprisingly long! It took roughly a few hours to produce a itiff64 image.

Is there something wrong with the settings we are using or is this a natural issue in the rendering process binding in the CCE?

3. This is the shortest elevation in the project and the longest elevation we have is more than 100m. Here an image below might provide a rough idea.

It seems like it is impossible to produce a Facade orthophoto for the side elevation using CCE. 

Any suggestions for an alternative?