Updating/Patching previous ContextCapture 3D Model

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if is there any known way of "updating" a 3D model (.3mx) created in ContextCapture, just for the sake of not processing the whole project again.

In other words, what I need is to process a small portion of a previously flown area, for which I already created a .3mx a while ago. The purpose of this would be to modify/update that small area over the 3d mesh that I already have. In doing so, I assume it would take me less time to process and would get me a model that is up to this date, without having to reprocess the unchanged areas.

Hope it's clear. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

  • Yes you can but only replace one tile with another updated by editing 3mx. But if 3mx it is one large tile then no it is not possible. You have to understand that 3mx is pyramid structure with multiple LOD models. If you would like to edit 3mx it means to make edits in each LOD model or edit upper LOD and then reprocess all other LOD so basically it is almost the same as run it again in Contextcapture.

  • Yes you can but only replace one tile with another updated by editing 3mx. But if 3mx it is one large tile then no it is not possible. You have to understand that 3mx is pyramid structure with multiple LOD models. If you would like to edit 3mx it means to make edits in each LOD model or edit upper LOD and then reprocess all other LOD so basically it is almost the same as run it again in Contextcapture.
