Need help for an Artist / therapeutic Project during lockdown about home intimacy with child private room

Hello, I’m pierre Jalan photographier and médical doctor specilsed with child psychiatry. 

I made from long time work with orthophographie to capture the intmiacy of room. i

During the lockdown I would like to propose a project for the child at home, to make a 3D reconstruction of there room with their cell phone.

I would like to use Acute 3D, but I ask use my usual friend to do it so I need your help. Because I need to send the picture directly from the cloud (my internet connection is not sufficiency in my lockdown location to download and upload again. And I need to have a private reconstruction before be able to make them public because I need to secure the anonymity of my patient and subject. So I need to check that in reconstruction the there is not picture that can identify people (ID card, passport...)

Are you interested to be part of this project ?

Some of my old work

Thaks a lot