CCTask.exe stops running


    We use cc to do reconstruction. But a lot of tasks got stuck for a long time. For example, it takes about 5 hours to complete a task, However, the stuck task has been in a running status for over 10 hours. We use procmon to monitor the CCTask.exe and find no messages  for these stuck tasks.  We also found that a few of tasks failed due to insufficient memory during Photos pairwise matching.

    We rerun the stuck tasks and use procmon to monitor the messges of CCtask.exe process. Then we find that the CCtask.exe will write a lot of logs before getting stuck. so we grap the log file when it starts to write a lot of logs suddenly. Please help us to analyze the log file. Why does it write a lot of logs? What should we do next? Thank you very much!

task_log_0 .log