Local Coordinate System (arbitrary units)

I am trying to input GCP's into my model of a power plant that is on its own coordinate system, my surveyor gives me units coordinates that are is (US FEET). ContextCapture does not offer an option for local coordinate system in these units, only offers "meters" and "arbitrary". Does anyone know the workflow to perform this in US FEET? And why would anybody use a meaningless arbitrary unit?

Parents Reply
  • It does not work for inputting GCP's because ContextCapture does not allow you to input US Feet when you have local coordinate

    system. Only "meters" and "arbitrary units", so I converted my US Feet coordinates to meters, and entered them as meters. At least now it was to scale only wrong units.

    I process reconstruction on the cloud processor, before I submitted production, I changed unit system under settings to US Survey Feet, and it worked perfect.
