Local Coordinate System (arbitrary units)

I am trying to input GCP's into my model of a power plant that is on its own coordinate system, my surveyor gives me units coordinates that are is (US FEET). ContextCapture does not offer an option for local coordinate system in these units, only offers "meters" and "arbitrary". Does anyone know the workflow to perform this in US FEET? And why would anybody use a meaningless arbitrary unit?

Parents Reply
  • It was just an observation when selecting vertical system override it creates new custom coordinate system definition like EPGSxxxx+EPSGzzzz so seems logical that this approach is also some undocumented way how units are defined. CC uses GDAL/OGR library for coordinate transformations so it helps also.

    But seems they forgot to add this also to standard install not only for measurement as there were such change in U8 and CC Console U2. Will try to report it.:

    - Measurements in US survey feet (new unit system settings) 
