Video import only importing a limited number of frames

I am having an issue with ContextCapture importing a 3 frame per second video. The video is 3 minutes long and should be able to get around ~600 frames from the video. 

However, on import I am only getting 74 photos on import.

Does anyone have any idea what the issue may be? The video is 4k, in a fisheye format and the original video format is MP4 (H.265/HEVC).

  • There is setting to choose how many frames per second extract. You need to calculate that.

    Best results could be achieved and less blurry frames extracted if using FFMPEG and extracting only key frames(i-frames) which are best quality.

    ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i test.mp4 -vsync vfr -frame_pts true out-%02d.jpeg

    In video compression, they use the so-called IPB frames to reduce storage space:

    • I frames (Intra picture): a complete picture
    • P frames (predictive picture): p frames stores difference between current frame and previous frame.
    • B frames (Bidirectionally predicted picture): b-frame stores difference between current frame and previous frame and later frame.

  • There is setting to choose how many frames per second extract. You need to calculate that.

    Best results could be achieved and less blurry frames extracted if using FFMPEG and extracting only key frames(i-frames) which are best quality.

    ffmpeg -skip_frame nokey -i test.mp4 -vsync vfr -frame_pts true out-%02d.jpeg

    In video compression, they use the so-called IPB frames to reduce storage space:

    • I frames (Intra picture): a complete picture
    • P frames (predictive picture): p frames stores difference between current frame and previous frame.
    • B frames (Bidirectionally predicted picture): b-frame stores difference between current frame and previous frame and later frame.
