Point Cloud Convert Failed

Hi Forum

trying to import a Leica .bin point cloud into AECOSim V. SS4 and the conversion process allows me to open the conversion box, but them once i allow it to convert, what looks like from the .bin to a .pod file, it says 'Convert Failed'.

2 screen shots to follow. SS1 below shows an error about different units. This .bin point cloud is a from a client so initially i thought i'll change my working file this is being imported into [its blank] so the untis match. did this 


now it says:


'Convert Failed' again, but i dont see any clues on how what or why? Any help?

Parents Reply
  • I had similar problem with ALS Point Clouds. I tried to convert las file to pod with Microstation, PointToolsPod Creator and with plain PointTools with no success. Each time I got Convert Failed message.

    I was investigating that and discovered that it is sth with golocation written in las file header. Then I used opensource SAGA GIS software and just imported las to SAGA and exported back to las. Then I could create pod with all Bentley software.

    I hope you my find this helpfull.





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