Bentley Pointools V8i - Import Camera Path & Auto Follow Direction

Creating a camera path (line) in MicroStation that can be imported in Bentley Pointools V8i and used as a camera path using scripting.

  • Can I get the 32 bit version Motion Script?

    I have Bentley Pointools V8i Version

    I try Motion Script use copy and paste but it doens't work.

    And I am not sure it is 32 bit or not.

  • If you are simply looking for the format of the text-file with keyframes you can import into poinTools, here it is (3dmax format anyways):

    1st line is a header line, you can simply cut/paste it from here as the information is not really that important, it can be changed with ease in poinTools:

    cRio PoinToolsCamera 30 1280,720 1.77779 1 1.41732 1.0629 1 z xyz

    All the following lines are keyframes with this format:

    framenumber Camerax CameraY CameraZ RotationX(Camera tilt, zero is straight down, 90 is looking towards the horizon), RotationY(Goes in to the Roll parameter, can be left at zero) RotationZ(in degrees, direction of camera along the horizon, along X-axis, east, is zero degrees), lens length(not used), HorisontalFOV(not used), VerticalFOV(Goes into the field of view)

    PoinTools uses a mix of a camera target position and rotational parameters to control the camera. The rotational parameters gets translated into a target position, which is hard to edit inside poinTools, but the Roll and Tilt parameters are good for making small adjustments.

    The Camera XYZ is coordinates straight from microStation.

    An example line:

    1441 530756.24 6169941.30 100.18 75.00 -5.24 112.59 2.4 80 21

    This line goes into the poinTools keyframe-window t frame 1441. Places the camera at 530756.24, 6169941.30, 100.18 (about 100 meters above sealevel). The camera is tilted downwards 15 degrees (90-75), and has a slight roll of about 5 degrees. The camera looks roughly towards south (90 deg. is south, and it looks towards 112.59). The camera field-of-view is 21 deg.

  • When I import the .txt-file with coordinates in poinTools, there is a yes/no question about 3D-max coordinate format. What is the difference between chooseing yes or no?

    Also, there seems to be no audio on the clip.

  • Don't expect to be rendering the same animation in microStation and in PoinTools.

    Is syncronizing a "real" animation-camera setup between poinTools and microStation even possible? One thing is getting the coordinates, but each system have different ways of interpreting those keyframes and the tweeing between them.

    Only if you can export ANd import each and every keyframe from both pieces of software can you be sure there is a match between the rendered movies - and only then can you begin to mix the outputs - and this is not available in either software?
