Workset Templates

With the Connect Edition, how do customize the directory structure that is created when I create a new Workset? I can't find any help on this. With V8i, we have several project template structures setup that we select when creating a new project base on the type of job...Primarily, some complex structures for complex projects and simple structures for simple jobs. 

Parents Reply
  • My WorkSets are stored in the default location set by the out-of-the-box _USTN_WORKSETSROOT variable.  I have not changed it in any other location.  However, at the time of a WorklSet creation I specified the location of each Workset (the Root folder).  This results in a cfg and dgnws file being created in the WorkSetsRoot folder, but the project folders (dgn, out, Standards, etc.) are stored in the proper locations on the server where everyone is used to finding them.  ORD adds the following line to the end of the WorkSet's cfg file to point to the "real" location of my project's files:


    I noticed that are two dgnws files:  one in the WorkSets folder and one in the project's Standards folder.  I imagine this is going to create some problems somewhere down the line.  I just don't know how, when, or where.

  • There are a lot of companies that want to do exactly what you are doing when creating new WorkSets, put the .cfg in one location and the dgn's in another. There is no way using the MicroStation delivered WorkSet creation options to do this in a more automated fashion. You have to manually change the folder paths as you are doing. That is why some clients have asked us to create a custom WorkSet creation tool. Due to the issues of renaming the .dgnws file this cannot be done either. 

    Speaking of the .dgnws file, and your duplicate copies. MicroStation will only use the one defined by the _USTN_WORKSETDGNWS variable.

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst

  • Thanks for the help with the duplicate DGNWS files.  It's of little comfort to hear that others are experiencing some of my frustrations with this software.  I guess it shows me I'm not the only one.