MicroStation CONNECT - Remove example workspace.

When setting up a custom workspace by setting the _USTN_CONFIGURATION to the new location in the shortcut, I have noticed the example files are still visible from the original workspace install location.

How does one get rid of this from the startup dialog using configuration variables?

  • Hi Stirling,

    We recommend leaving the example files available for people to use in conjunction with our training material and also as a personal sandbox. The configuration is designed to work this way so I don't see a configuration route that we could suggest.

    If you change the name of Example.cfg to Example.txt (so you can revert if necessary) on each machine Example will not show up in the UI.


  • It have been a while since I have visited this issue.  It is really a poor solution.  I don't want to give our users access to these examples as they are trained enough not to need them and we want to simplify choices as we don't want people accidentally opening projects in the wrong work space.  Yes I know there are warning messages etc but that is the way we wan't it here.  Since MicroStation V8i was so much easier to configure I think this is a backwards step by Bentley. A decision made by someone who does not use the product in the real world, does not listen to what the users want and has no imagination that users may use the product in ways the developers had not thought of.

  • I have filed Enhancement 888503 "User requests ability to hide Example WorkSpace from UI"

    Having configured a lot of real-world V8i workspaces over the years I'm pretty confident that CONNECT Edition configuration is easier and more flexible than V8i, but it is different and requires some re-learning.


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