Tasks DGNLIB Configuration

Microstation  SS4

Hi All,

I have just installed the microstation version above but as you can see from the image below, my task panel is very scanty (Drawing composition tool only) as compared to the default microstation task panel.

Please, does anyone have an appropriate DGNLIB file where these tasks have been populated and also please specify the path directory I have to paste it in.. I would be glad if my task panel could look something similar to below:

 Thank you


Parents Reply
  • Henry's_Tasks.zip

    Seeing as its almost Friday...

    Unzip the attached file and insert the dgnlib into a folder where the configuration variable MS_GUIDGNLIBLIST is configured to search for. You should see the following once you open a 3d File:

    The top row are custom tools which use the keyins as posted previously, the first loads Descartes, the 2nd makes the Point Cloud presentation dialog appear.

    The 2nd row is the standard point cloud tools and rows 3 & 4 are the advanced tools split over 2 rows.

    You can of course edit this to the way you want it to appear.

    Answer Verified By: Henry Eduvie 
